
Functional Characteristics Progident/Finance



  • Financial ratios are applicable to more than one company.
  • Management concept by branch.
  • Copy utility of primary and/or secondary accounting charts of a base company for the creation of new companies.
  • Utility copy of taxes, customers, suppliers, subsidiaries, divisions and a banking institution based company in the creation of new companies.
  • Copy utility of database payroll of a company based on the creation of new companies.
  • It is possible to prepare budgets using the consolidated method.
  • Accounting journals can assign different companies in the accounting posting.
  • In the presence of different companies in any accounting entry regardless of the exploited function, the system automatically manages complementary "Advanced to" and "Due to" transactions between the various companies involved.
  • Automatic entries allow an intercompany approbation.
  • Automatic reversal of intercompany entries.
  • Concept management by the paying company for payroll. A parent company can manage the payroll of several subsidiaries, a single paycheck issuer.
  • Concept management by the paying company for payable accounts: The analysis and the list of payable accounts provide the ability to consolidate the payable amounts to different companies. The parent company can also charge for issuing a cheque to each supplier to pay all the purchases made by its subsidiaries. 
  • Company liaision concept and group companies.
  • Possibility of consolidated accounts receivable. The analysis and the list of accounts receivable offer the possibility to select the companies to analyze. The parent company can arrange to centralize the management and monitoring of the receivables of its subsidiaries.
  • All analysis reports, for example, the general ledger transactions and the customers or vendors transactions, offer the possibility of regrouping the consolidation of transactions from different companies.
  • Consolidated financial statements through a master company or from a random selection of companies for specific analytical purposes.

CLient Account


  • An account statement report "Laser statements with project (FS000315)" can be defined as the report to be used in the "Account statement - Format" parameter of the "Customer" tab of the master data settings. Besides offering the selection criteria for the current account statement, this report provides the "Master project" and "Project" criteria for more management flexibility. In addition, if you proceed by "Master" project, only the lines of the invoices associated with the selected master project are displayed. If the same invoice has two (2) separate projects in a project management context, the account statement prints two (2) separate lines. Therefore, it doesn't merge by invoice number.
  • Merging "Client" or "Supplier" files from Progident/Finance allows replacement in CTRL/Project and CTRL/Product.
  • On the same principle as in the supplier tab, a "Payment discount imputation" section exists in the "Client" tab of the management parameters. The "Assigned project" parameter allows you to define whether the imputation to projects of the payment discount must be made according to the project information already defined in the invoice or if it must be specific according to the project information defined in the following fields.
  • A "Merging" option is available in the "Edit > Delete > Merging" menu of the "Client" and "Supplier" records to allow the grouping of two "Clients" or "Suppliers" records in the same one.
  • Customized structure of the age of accounts receivable (..., 120, 150, etc.).
  • Customized category per customer that you can use, for example, to group customers together to issue account statements and for accounts receivable analysis. Depending on the type of classification in use, the analysis of sales per customer category can also provide a view of the breakdown of income based on a Pareto principle approach (80-20).
  • Credit limit per customer with the option to control a limit by blocking it or allowing a credit limit to be exceeded.
  • Discount per customer.
  • A number of options are available to set deadlines for payment or discounts (ex.: X days later, 2nd of the following month, 15th of the current month, etc.).
  • Linking a “Region” to each customer. A region can be used for key analyses, such as sales total per region in Progident/Finance.
  • Sales statistics per customer.
  • Discount statistics per customer.
  • Interactive consultation of the history of customer transactions based on a customer profile.
  • Interactive consultation of outstanding (unpaid) customer invoices, based on a customizable sorting of the age of selected accounts. A status bar dynamically displays a customer’s total balance owing and the work window displays the breakdown of amounts owing per invoice, according to accounting age. Combined with on-screen transaction history, this feature is extremely useful, for instance, during a telephone follow-up of receivables because it provides an employee with detailed information to answer customer questions. The employee instantly has a comprehensive view of the account.
  • On-screen analysis of accounts receivable with interactive drilldown for details of current invoices according to age.
  • Reconstruction of the age of accounts receivable at a previous date.
  • Management of NSF cheques.
  • Receipts with no mandatory allocation to a customer.
  • Entirely separate billing and entry dates.
  • Partial or total payment of a receivable account.
  • Account statements with the option to exclude calculation of accrued interest.
  • Where you wish to include accrued interest, you can separate (specific account) interest income.
  • Automatic generation of invoice numbers.
  • Invoice printout.
  • Automated management of payment discounts.
  • Management of receivables per master customer.
  • Management of postdated cheques.
  • Federal and provincial tax codes per customer.
  • Table of integrated products.
  • Management of payment deductions per invoice.
  • Option to define which document format to use per customer, where necessary. You can use this option to specify which technical formula to use for each type of customer document. For example, the most common: invoice and account statement.
  • Analysis of exceeded lines of credit.
  • Printout of labels for mailings.
  • Reconstruction and analysis of the age of accounts receivable at a date of your choosing.
  • Account statements that feature an option to choose a minimum or maximum age.
  • The “Comment” field can store up to 99 pages of general information in a customer profile.



  • Deploy your business and your employees around the world thanks to web timesheets and expense reports that can operate with transparency from the most common web browsers (IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari). These capabilities allow your employees to prepare their timesheets and expense reports, at any time, from anywhere in the world.
  • An option for a general template of the timesheet has been added to the existing possibility of personal templates per user. 
  • Local timesheet entries and expense reports.
  • Decentralized timesheet entries and remote expense reports from a web browser. Complete integration with payroll module at the administrative center.
  • Rate configurator that allows all employee hourly rates to be defined according to an employee group, job category, level, sector, employment context, location, and transaction code.
  • Time configurator that allows all employees hours to be defined according to various criteria. For example, after eight hours per day, the unit will become "Half," "Double" or "TSA".
  • Fully customized timesheet entry formats. Daily or weekly mode.
  • Defining personal timesheet templates.
  • Fully customized expense report entry formats.
  • Secure and restricted access per employee (user) or general vision of all employees to the administrative lead.
  • Special Web transaction status for distinctive management such as a central approval before treatment.
  • A possibility of Web timesheet integration to the corporate intranet with customization of the visual entries.
  • Complete history of the company's time sheets.
  • A possibility of directing employees' vacation time to various accounting positions from those used for the regular pay.
  • Print time sheets and expense reports per employee or for all employees.
  • Global analysis of time sheets and expense reports per employee or for all employees.

Main Reports

  • Printout of timesheets and expense statements per employee or all employees.
  • Overall analysis of timesheets and expense statements per employee or all employees.

Supplier Account


  • A "Reference 1" selection criterion is present in all "Payable accounts" and "Receivable accounts" reports. It is possible to display or not this column by the criterion "Presentation reference 1".
  • It is possible to define a specific report to be used when printing the preliminary list to the supplier batch payment table by using the appropriate field on the "Supplier" tab of the management parameters.
  • Management of deductions when paying suppliers can be done with or without CTRL/Project.
  • An electronic supplier payment (EDI) option eliminates the need to print cheques and allows you to send a payment directly to your chosen supplier's account. 
  • Three criteria for the creation of the preliminary list, "Status", "Territory", and "Currency", allow you to specify your preselection of payments of your preliminary list. You can also choose a date other than the current date on the preliminary list.
  • The analysis reports of the receivable and payable accounts offer the "Minimum age" and "Maximum age" criteria, which allow you to define an interval of the invoices to display. It is also possible to generate reports per manager or person in charge. 
  • Customizable payable accounts age structure (120, 150, etc.).
  • Customizable supplier categories that you can use, for instance, to assemble payable invoices in batch payable accounts to target strategic and priority suppliers. Payable accounts can also be analyzed according to a sorting option, where necessary.
  • Credit limit per supplier with an option to control a limit by blocking or allowing a credit limit to be exceeded.
  • Discount per supplier.
  • A number of options are available to set payment due dates or discount expiry dates (ex.: X days later, 2nd of the following month, 15th of the current month, etc.).
  • Purchase statistics per supplier.
  • Discount statistics per supplier.
  • Interactive consultation of current supplier invoices (unpaid) according to a customizable sorting structure, based on the age of select accounts. The status bar dynamically displays the total balance owed by a supplier, while the work window displays the breakdown of amounts due per invoice according to their accounting age. Combined with the on-screen transaction history, this function is very effective for handling calls from suppliers requesting payment, for instance. A user has an overall view of amounts owed to a supplier and can remind the supplier of past payments.
  • The function of issuing batch supplier cheques is extremely flexible and efficient. The function operates on the basis of generating a preliminary list of payments according to criteria specified by the user (due date, category of supplier or specific suppliers, etc.). Using the system, you can also take advantage of discounts for quick payment (ex. 2% 10 days) and include valid invoices. The preliminary list can then be changed (partial amount, post-dated payment, etc.) according to the user before cheques are issued. In a project management situation, selections can also be limited to a specific project or a random selection of projects and may or may not include holdbacks.
  • The “Change” option in the "Supplier Cheque " function has been restructured to operate through a scrollable window to follow the Progident/Smigg standard. This improvement makes it easier to add an invoice or change the amount or date a cheque is issued for an unpaid invoice. The option to include or exclude suppliers, which used to be available when a preliminary list was generated, has been replaced by the use of the Progident/Smigg “Filter” function, which allows you to filter a master list according to a series of criteria.
  • On-screen analysis of payable accounts with interactive drilldown for details of current invoices according to age.
  • Reconstruction of the age of accounts payable at an earlier date.
  • Management of NSF cheques.
  • Payments without compulsory holdback to a supplier.
  • Payments "EDI" to suppliers
  • Date of invoice and date ledger completely independent.
  • Entirely separate date of invoice and date of posting.
  • Partial or total payment of a payable account.
  • Automatic generation of cheque numbers.
  • Automated management of discounts on payments.
  • Management of payables per master supplier.
  • Federal and provincial tax codes per supplier.
  • Validation of invoice numbers.
  • Management of payment withholds per invoice.
  • Preliminary list of supplier cheques in alphabetical order.
  • Reprint of cheques, based on a cheque interval instead of reprinting them all again.
  • Analysis of exceeded lines of credit.
  • Label printing for postal mailings.
  • Analysis of the age of accounts payable.
  • Preliminary list of cheques to issue.
  • Several formats of cheques are available, which can be customized.
  • The “Comment” field can store up to 99 pages of general information about a supplier.

general Ledger

Company Management

  • As part of the digital document management supported by the Progident management solutions, a “System> Basic data> Documents” menu presents the “Type” and “Status” document options. These options make it possible to consult, create and modify the types and statuses of documents used by Progident/Finance and other Progident software to guarantee the uniformity of document management.
  • The MS-Excel financial dashboard integrated into Progident/Finance supports charters with up to 5,000 accounts and allows the use of accounts with extension. It allows, among other things, analyzes or the creation of financial statements by "Division".
  • It is possible to define a collection and disbursement profile per month to manage your business's specifics properly. Global settings are also available and, upon delivery, initialize monthly settings, which can be customized.
  • A visual indicator indicates whether a group is in use (displayed in black) or not used (displayed in blue) on the "Accounting group" tab to quickly detect groups that aren't used to remove them from the list and thus simplify your configuration.
  • The calculation of the available operating credit is limited to $ 0.
  • The forecast cash, at the level of the use of the forecast difference, always uses the absolute value.
  • The "Financial ratios" pane of the dashboard is delivered with references to classic ratios linked to standard accounting groups to give an example of a possible definition.
  • Spreadsheets display the Progident logos.
  • The user guide reflects the latest improvements.
  • The addition of an accounting source, "V: Variation of the exchange rate", and this, in the context of integration with CTRL/Product, to more quickly identify exchange rate variation transactions.
  • Intercompany management has been completely transformed to integrate several key improvements to the consolidation of financial results. Among others: the "linked company" concept was introduced and the definition of "subsidiary shares" is possible. The "group of companies" concept allows to quickly consolidate the financial results from a predefined group of companies. This functionality synchronizes the different accounting calendars to present ordered results in terms of timing analysis. A "consolidation spreadsheet" is also available, and so much more. 
  • Past transaction history can be quickly accessed while analyzing the current exercise.
  • Integration and support of the “Business branch” concept allow you to associate an accounting transaction (all journals) to a business branch. 
  • Multiple company management with 6-character alphanumeric company coding.
  • Regular calendar with over 12 or 13 accounting periods.
  • Calendar extended over two financial years to begin a new fiscal year without the need to close the previous one. All accounting functions remain the same during the extended financial year.
  • Intercompany management is available. 
  • Multi-branch management.
  • You can store a complete accounting history when a financial year is closed if needed. You can also consult transactions from previous financial years, but no changes can be made once they have been closed.
  • High-level security access per company with Progident/Smigg’s secured access manager.

Chart of Accounts

  • An analysis of the age of the receivable accounts is available in the menu: "Report> Client> Receivable> Age analysis> Client> Master project" to present the receivable accounts grouped by Client, "Master" project, sub-project, and invoice number.
  • A "Deductions included" selection criterion allows you to include or not the "Deductions" type invoices.
  • The "Default" format of the account chart in list mode presents the "Description" columns of the presentation, type and nature.
  • A "Deductions included" selection criterion in the statement of account reports allows you to include or not the "Deductions" type invoices.
  • 15-character alphanumeric account coding.
  • Extension on the basis of division or department, incorporated in account coding, where necessary. Example: incidental expense accounts "5100-01", "5100-02, .. for departments "01", "02", etc.
  • French or English description for the presentation of financial statements in the language of the user.
  • Master accounts to simplify the presentation of financial statements by grouping accounts together.
  • The "Accounting group" field is used for, among other things, analyses of the general ledger transactions in the trial balance for more flexible accounting analysis.
  • Interactive consultation of balances per period per account for current, subsequent (extended calendar), and previous financial year.
  • Instant analysis and consultation of the history of transactions on an account. The Progident/Smigg “filter” feature helps you use a transaction window to find a specific transaction quickly and easily.
  • Initial, revised, and subsequent budgets are managed simultaneously.
  • Definition of secondary charts for financial analysis of particular elements. A secondary chart is simply an extraction of accounts from the main chart for a financial summary. Creation of a secondary chart can be automated based on an extension per division of accounts.

Entries and Account Books

  • The processing of sending entries to the general ledger notifies the start of the transfer if the accounting period is closed or not for the following functions: payroll, work in progress, professional invoicing, batch payment from suppliers, count client interest, employee provision calculation, discounts (DAS).
  • The presence of standard account books: sales, receipts, purchases, expenses, salaries and general entries. Each book is identified by a source code, where necessary, to simplify accounting analysis, because you can isolate a specific account book.
  • Transaction and recurrence-based accounting management. Closure of a period is a logical model that is controlled entirely by the manager. Where necessary, a manager can, therefore, return to a prior period without the need to close a period to begin a new one. Obviously, no entries can be made once a period is closed.
  • All account books allow deferred processing of entries for a transaction, which means, for instance, that you can input a list of entries into an account book or series of cash receipts from clients without the need to process them immediately. Pending transactions are managed by the user, who simply activates the processing of transactions when ready.
  • Definition and application of automatic repetitive entries, with the option of a breakdown of total amounts on a percentage basis over several accounts. When this function is used, it lists all active automatic entries according to the entry date, which allows a user to validate entries interactively before they apply. A user can even interactively change the accounting breakdown of a specific entry or deactivate it before confirming the entire entry.
  • Option to consult an account’s transaction history when inputting entries in an account book.
  • Option to create an account interactively when inputting entries in an account book. The Progident/Smigg secured access manager allows you to block this option, if necessary.
  • A transaction reversal feature supports all account books.
  • Analysis reports of general ledger transactions, with drilldown and several analysis criteria. Different sortings and criteria are available.
  • Trial balance report with drilldown for three levels of analysis. The trial balance can be sorted per group of accounts.
  • Periodic integrated tax report (QST and GST).
  • CSV import features that offer maximum flexibility for integration with external add-on systems. This feature also enables dynamic use of a tailor-made program (DLL in Delphi) developed by an external service and designed to set up data in standard Progident formats. This feature also allows you to define management code equivalents for a logical link between an external system and Progident/Finance.
  • The accounting transaction import feature allows a user to instantly analyze, change and approve pending transactions before deciding to integrate them.

Bank Reconciliation

  • Bank reconciliation functionality allows you to choose the level of detail desired (drilldown). Also, if you run several business branches which deal with various financial institutions, this functionality allows you to reconcile per business branch on one workspace, and in one operation. 
  • Simultaneously manage several bank accounts, each with its own specific cheque sequence.
  • Very visual bank reconciliation based on a tagging selection on the work screen.
  • Reconciliation with interactive validation of a discrepancy “Actual balance – Computer balance” as a reconciliation of items in transit proceeds. It is then simply a matter of printing the final reconciliation report.
  • An option of inputting account book entries directly in the reconciliation screen. Very effective for avoiding the need to exit a bank reconciliation to input an account book entry for monthly bank fees, for example.
  • Creation and reactivation of items in circulation (cheques and deposits) directly in the work screen.
  • Bank reconciliation by branch.
  • Report of a bank reconciliation with drilling to visualize the desired level of detail.

Financial Statements

  • When applying a discount to a recipe, the system does not look for the values defined in the management parameters on the supplier tab (Project and activity).
  • Financial statements (income statement and balance sheet) with interactive drilldown to consult the details of transactions that comprise the balance shown. To support your visual analysis, you can control the colour in which percentage ratios (%) are displayed if they are over or under a certain threshold you have determined.
  • The flexible financial statement generator allows you to design customized formats from 40 types of accounting information (ex.: current period, cumulative budget, actual-previous discrepancy, ratio entry/total sale and others).
  • Periodic financial statements (quarterly, semi-annual or other) based on the analysis interval selected.
  • Option to print subsidiaries in addition to financial statements when presented as a summary unit, for example, through a master account.
  • Income statements per profit centre (division, department) through secondary charts.
  • Complete financial statements in an extended agenda for the new fiscal year during a temporary annual audit period prior to closing.
  • Trend chart of financial indicators integrated with MS-ExcelTM. Definition of common financial indicators (ex.: working capital) and customizable performance indicators.
  • An option of one comprehensive trend chart for a group of companies or a series of specific trend charts per company.
  • Analysis of cash flow forecast integrated with MS-ExcelTM. Based on financing parameters (maximum operating credit, dynamic credit lines, etc.) and budgeting for variations in your company’s fixed assets, the analysis displays the changes in your cash flow forecast. The simulation model automatically adjusts forecasts on the basis of discrepancies between the actual cash flow recorded as it becomes available.
  • The analysis spreadsheets that come with trend charts can be used as a starting point for any other MS-ExcelTM analysis tool. In this instance, the "Trend Chart" feature is simply used to export data.



  • The "Supplier" tab present in the "Employee" form in an "Employee-Supplier" payroll context allows the addition of sub-tabs. As a reminder, the "Employee-Supplier" payroll refers to the context where the hired employee advises of the hours worked via a typical supplier billing, for example, in a context called "Freelance employee".
  • Manage different salary rates in function of the “Employment status” in the employee file.
  • You can adapt payroll management to your company with multiple bank accounts that are supported, allowing you to produce more than one deposit file for the payroll.
  • Simplified management of taxes for your “Freelance” employees.
  • Automatic management of project transaction cost accountability with the transaction configuration. 
  • Add even more information on the pay stub with the possibility to display banked hours balances such as holidays, illness, as well as balances that consolidate payroll transaction codes.
  • A parameter allows you to identify the type of employee in the employee's file and profile, the timesheets, the expense reports, the employee's transactions, the tax return configuration and in the equivalency factor. This option allows for generating the rights incomes declaration forms automatically. 
  • You can produce "Statement 3", "T5", and "T4-NR" with the tax return manager.
  • A tax return table only displays the records that can be produced in your payroll management context.
  • Optimized record of employment with an appendix available to present insurable earnings for periods subsequent to Period 27 of the record of employment. 
  • Complete employee profile with the option to set hourly rates or a fixed salary per period.
  • Complete employee record with the option to set hourly rates or fixed salaries per period.
  • Management of different rates of pay in relation to the employee record's employment status.
  • The definition of employee groups allows all of the employee groups to be created. They can represent the various unions run by the employees, as well as represent the various groups within the company. For example, administrative employees, secretarial employees and factory employees.
  • The "Job level" function allows all of the levels-that is to say, the various possible grades-to be defined.
  • Management customized by employment sector.
  • Customized employment context management.  An employment context can be used as a sub-category of the employment sectors.
  • Classification unit allows the specific locations where the employees work to be determined, thus enabling the assignment of a specific CSST code.
  • The management of an employee's type allows correct tax forms to be generated automatically.
  • Management by area of employment.
  • Timesheets based on the number of module users. The number of timesheets can be extended at a low cost through the addition of the "Timesheet" module for the desired number of users. For more information on the timesheets' features, see the module's technical bulletin.
  • The system is designed entirely around a highly flexible transactional architecture. The software comes with the standard common transactions (regular hours, vacation, bonus, commission, TSA, etc.). However, it is possible to create your own custom transactions and configure the payroll calculation for very specific contexts.
  • Transaction configurator allows payroll accounting-generated transaction information to be adjusted. These transaction adjustments are carried out during the payroll calculation.
  • Rate configurator allows all employee hourly rates to be defined according to an employee group, job category, level, sector, employment context, location, and transaction code.
  • Time configurator allows all employee hours to be defined according to various criteria. The hours unit can also be managed automatically. For example, after eight hours per day, the unit will become "Half," "Double" or "TSA".
  • Payroll process fully centralized on one working screen for maximum control and validation. As the process progresses, the user sees a check mark appear, confirming that the step has been completed. Validation of timesheets and expense reports, calculation, printing monitoring reports, cheques, stubs, deposit confirmation... Everything is there!
  • Employment status allows status-based salary management.
  • Automatic GST management for expense reports.
  • Management of bank deposits by telecommunication, which can support the existence of different banking institutions for each employee.
  • Several bank accounts supported, which allows more than one deposit file to be generated for a single payroll.
  • Taxes supported in the context of self-employed workers.
  • Automatic updating of basic exemptions.
  • Management of vacations in percentages or hours.
  • Customized job category management.
  • Automatic updating of hourly rates by job category.
  • Provincial tax table included for Canadian provinces.
  • Canadian federal tax table.
  • The standard cheque and cheque stub formats supplied with the software can be customized with the option of grouping transactions, compatible or similar in nature, or through the Progident/Smigg form generator.
  • Support for "Employee-Supplier" payroll mode, which allows situations where an employee is a subcontractor - therefore managed through supplier purchase - to be easily managed. In this mode, any invoice received from a supplier who is associated with an employee is integrated as employment income at the time of the payroll calculation. This capability allows the module to easily support several specific business contexts, such as film production.
  • Support for "Employee-Employer" payroll mode, which allows one business to transparently manage the payroll of another business (supplier). This mode is particularly useful when the "supplier" business does not have the administrative capacity to manage payroll for its employees adequately. Therefore, it delegates payroll management to its client. We find this type of practice, for example, in the fishing industry, where the processing factory does business with a boat captain (owner of the supplier business) who is the employer of his crew. In this context, it is common for the factory to manage the boat owner's payroll.
  • Interactive expense report and payroll management table.
  • Printing of cheques or stubs in alphabetical or numerical order.
  • Several check formats available and customizable if needed.
  • The standard check and check stub formats supplied with the software can be customized first with the option of grouping transactions that are compatible or similar in nature, or through the Progident/Smigg form generator.
  • An option of displaying all sick and vacation balances by payroll transaction code groups.
  • Management of the payer company concept with the "Intercompany" module.
  • Printing of employment records on a preprinted form.
  • Employment records can be sent via the internet.
  • Gross salary report for the CSST.
  • Full and complete CCQ report.
  • Analysis of paid salaries (gross, net, hours, remittances, etc.).
  • Report of bi-monthly, monthly, and annual remittances.
  • Interactive tax return management table.
  • Complete printing of Canadian and Quebec employment statements (T4, T4ANR and RL-1, RL-3, T5, T-5018) and option to send them to government authorities via the internet. The standard forms may be replaced by customized special forms if needed.
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