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At Progident, we are committed to constantly investing in initiatives that allow our customers to be better informed and more independent about using their Progident management solution. Progident software is a professional management tool, and it is our priority that our customers derive maximum benefit from it.
Therefore, it is with pleasure that we announce the availability of our new Progident " Web Client Portal ", a central information and services counter offering personalized information to each client.


Among the key services for customers, we should mention the " News " area, which offers the possibility of consulting, at any time, all the improvements continually made to Progident software.

This area demonstrates the personalized nature of the portal by offering different viewing angles for new software according to each client's specific context. Here are typical questions answered by this service:

  • What are the latest improvements available since the version I am currently using?
  • What are the latest advances that I, as a customer, specifically requested from Progident?
  • What is the set of significant improvements made in the last two versions?



This area quickly becomes a team assessment and planning tool for the transition to the latest versions of Progident software.

We are planning several progressive additions to this Customer Desk which, in addition to the " News " service, also offers the following benefits in its first edition:

  • The possibility of activating the web and mobile portals of each software used.
  • The type and term of current service coverage.
  • Direct access to the FAQ service. A knowledge bank currently represents more than 1,000 of our software's most frequent " Questions/Answers " about our software.
  • Access to the Web assistance request service allows you to quickly send a request for assistance to our team of customer advisers.
  • A quick consultation of the latest service notices and the latest Progident news to be constantly up to date.

As the saying goes, to try it is to adopt it.


A unique management solution, a unique client approach!


I would like to learn more about the client Web portal


Looking forward to chat with you,
The Progident team



3650, blvd. Wilfrid-Hamel
Quebec City (PQ) G1P 2J2 Canada

Phone : 418 650-0143
Toll free : 1 800 650-0143
Fax : 418 650-1330


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